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How to get rid of pimple overnight

There are many simply and easy natural cures to prevent or minimize the problem of acne. By using some common ingredients found in your pantry and refrigerator you can surely treat pimple at home.Here are 5  quick home made pimple treatments you can use to treat pimple overnight.  Your pimples, zits, blemishes, or nastiness. Whatever you want to call them, at least one of these home remedies for acne will cure it. 6 Best home remedies to treat pimple overnight Aspirin and Honey Facial Mask. You can do your whole face, or just tiny little spots. Pimple Healing Patch Cover the pimple with antibacterial sheet to let pimple sit overnight  you can find some here Strawberries .  In addition to whitening your teeth, strawberries are excellent for occasional pimples (or acne). Slice the top off off a strawberry (eat the fruit) and rub the small amount of flesh left at the top of the strawberry on your pimples. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and then rins