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How to regrow hair after pregnancy

Fast-growing and thick hair is a pregnancy symptom that many women love to have. So enjoy your luscious locks while you still can because in the months following delivery, you may experience postpartum hair loss. What causes hair loss after giving birth? All hair on our bodies grows in a cycle that can last anywhere from two to seven years. The active or growing phase of a strand of hair is called anagen and determines the length of our hair. After a period of time, the hair follicle enters a transition phase (called catagen) before entering its resting phase (telogen). Shedding occurs (exogen) and the process starts all over again. Changes related to your hormone levels before, during and after pregnancy can affect hair growth. It’s completely normal to experience hormonal imbalance after giving birth, and one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance is postpartum hair loss. The medical term for postpartum hair loss is telogen effluvium. The condition, which is also referr
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The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Fruit Flies: Effective Remedies and Preventative Measures

  Fruit flies, those tiny insects that hover around ripe fruits and vegetables, are a common household nuisance. Fortunately, there are numerous remedies, ranging from natural methods to commercial products, that can help you get rid of these pests. Here’s a comprehensive guide detailing different remedies to banish fruit flies from your home. Natural Remedies 1. Apple Cider Vinegar Trap Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy for fruit flies due to its strong, sweet smell which attracts them. To make a trap: Fill a small bowl or jar with apple cider vinegar. Cover it with plastic wrap and secure it with a rubber band. Poke small holes in the plastic wrap with a toothpick. Fruit flies will be drawn to the vinegar and get trapped inside. 2. Fruit Trap Use overripe fruit to lure fruit flies: Place a piece of overripe fruit in a bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and poke holes in it. Alternatively, you can create a funnel using a piece of paper and place it over the bowl. The flies