Fast-growing and thick hair is a pregnancy symptom that many women love to have. So enjoy your luscious locks while you still can because in the months following delivery, you may experience postpartum hair loss.
What causes hair loss after giving birth?
All hair on our bodies grows in a cycle that can last anywhere from two to seven years. The active or growing phase of a strand of hair is called anagen and determines the length of our hair. After a period of time, the hair follicle enters a transition phase (called catagen) before entering its resting phase (telogen). Shedding occurs (exogen) and the process starts all over again.Changes related to your hormone levels before, during and after pregnancy can affect hair growth. It’s completely normal to experience hormonal imbalance after giving birth, and one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance is postpartum hair loss.
The medical term for postpartum hair loss is telogen effluvium. The condition, which is also referred to as postpartum alopecia, is relatively common, affecting between 40-50% of women in the months following childbirth.
How long does postpartum hair loss last?
Now that you know when and why it starts, you may be asking yourself “when does postpartum hair loss stop”?It’s important to remember that postpartum hair loss is only temporary. For many women, 4 months’ postpartum hair loss is quite common and postpartum hair loss may continue for several months. Normal hair growth patterns typically return after 6 months postpartum, but some women may experience postpartum hair loss up to a year after childbirth.
How to stop postpartum hair loss?
Because postpartum hair loss is a normal result of your changing hormones, it is not something that you can immediately stop. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the effects of postpartum hair loss and help promote healthy hair growth.
Here are 2 things you can try for postpartum hair loss treatment
Prepare Home made supplement for postpartum hair growth
- Fox nut : 200 gram
- Almonds: 50 gram
- Pistachio: 50 gram
- Tragacanth Gum Herb: 100 gram
- Mixed Melon Seeds: 100 gram
- Sunflower Seeds: 50 gram
- Butter: 200 gram
You will notice a major change in your hair and skin.
If these ingredients not available you can buy ready made hair supplements.
Home made hair oil to prevent postpartum hair loss
- Mustard oil 2 liters
- Fenugreek Seed: 4 table spoon
- Fresh Ginger: 100 gram or 2 big cloves
- Fresh Emblica or emblica powder 200 gm
Stain the oil and store in it bottle or a jar and apply it an hour before washing your hair.
This oil stops hair loss immediately and you will notice tiny hair regrowth on your scalps within one week.
If you can not prepare this at home buy ready made hair regrowth oil or serum
Related Article : How to grow hair fast