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How to get rid of pimple overnight
There are many simply and easy natural cures to prevent or minimize the problem of acne. By using some common ingredients found in your pantry and refrigerator you can surely treat pimple at home Here are 5  quick home made pimple treatments you can use to treat pimple overnight.  Your pimples, zits, blemishes, or nastiness. Whatever you want to call them, at least one of these home remedies for acne will cure it.

6 Best home remedies to treat pimple overnight

Aspirin and Honey Facial Mask.

You can do your whole face, or just tiny little spots.

Pimple Healing Patch

Cover the pimple with antibacterial sheet to let pimple sit overnight  you can find some here

Strawberries .
best overnight pimple treatment

 In addition to whitening your teeth, strawberries are excellent for occasional pimples (or acne). Slice the top off off a strawberry (eat the fruit) and rub the small amount of flesh left at the top of the strawberry on your pimples. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off.

Garlic .
best pimple treatment overnight

It sounds really stinky. It is natural antiseptic and anti inflammatory.  Garlic is pretty wondrous when it comes to clearing away the pimples. Peel a clove of garlic and then mush it up well with a fork. Apply the mush to your pimples and let it set for 20 minutes.

Dry out pimples overnight with Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar heals pimple overnight.  Just dab a bit onto the affected area and let it dry. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Do not apply filtered one. Use only Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

How to make a pimple ripen quickly?

Aloe Vera gel or leaf
home remedies for pimple

Pluck a leaf form alovera plant. And take out the gel form. You can also use ready made organic alovera gel  available .  Apply it on the affected skin overnight. Apply invisible pimple patch in day time and apply warm compress on the patch. The pimple will ripe in 2 days and you can easily pull out the puss or black head or white head inside zits. If the pimple has a head, at that point it is the easiest to extract, with the least risk of scarring because the bump is very superficial to the surface of the skin.

How to pop a pimple safely? 

Clean the area with alcohol and leave the area alone, don’t keep squeezing it. You may want to apply a cool compress to help minimize the redness and irritation or use an acne serum to minimize redness and inflammation.  Usually you know that a pimple has been completely drained if no more pus can be expressed, so if you see a little blood, stop squeezing.

Once a pimple has been popped, be sure to keep the area clean and let it heal properly to avoid scarring. You can disinfect the area with rubbing alcohol after popping. After an hour Apply Tea tree Oil again to reduce redness and swelling.

These are quick remedies for pimple to heal them overnight. If you have severe acne or mild acne Then you must treat them inside out to get rid of permanently.

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